Six serves is harmful to health in the dinner

- by Unknown


Six serves is harmful to health in the dinner

Persons who eat late or those who wake up in the middle of the night for a light meal most vulnerable to obesity and gain weight, in addition to the danger of being infected with passion in the stomach


Excessive dinner to Anorexia in today morning ‏ and therefore not eat breakfast is very important. It is highly recommended nutrition specialists that do not include the menu in the evening to such a cuisine which may cause the increase of weight and dystocia in digestion:

 You need the stomach to rest before sleep, thus having fatty meals salads might not be a good idea, tomato Ketchup have high levels of acidity and components may make you truly feel and  .itching sensation throughout the night


,.To avoid nightmares disturbing dreams .You must let dessert before sleeping,7 Of the 10 
people eat fast food and desserts are more vulnerable to the disturbing dreams
Fatty foods:

Taxing the stomach during the digestion process, and therefore avoided snacks or nuts or ice cream or cheese full-cream milk before eternity to sleep

Of strawberries berries:

Small seeds of the two existing caused a problem in the pockets of the intestine, which can become inflamed, despite the fact that the benefits of this many fruits, but must be addressed regularly preferably not be before sleep.

Warm food:

There are no problems with hot foods Added to spices incendiary bombs as long as the quantities medium, but when truly feel hungry at night And sweeten dining keep completely the addition of any kinds of hot pepper, it disturbs the stomach before sleep and cause you anguish throughout the night.

Homemade pasta:

                                  Pasta contain a high proportion of calories, and pasta sauce red either white or may cause acidity and disorders in the digestive system when dealing with the evening or directly before sleeping.

By Don

I mortgagor of Moroccan nationality and I live in France and I love Altdion in English and I love the world of technology and desig

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